Casting bronzes using cuttlefish bones is a wonderful ancient technique that was used in Mediterranean countries for centuries. Bronze is melted and poured into the cuttlefish bone mould. The resulting positive reveals unique and interesting textures provided by the cuttlefish bone. You can only create one bronze from each cuttlefish mould as the heat (1000°C) when pouring the bronze destroys the cuttlefish bones. Some bronzes are available for sale. Scroll down to see individual bronzes and contact or 0414891952.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Flowering dreams, 9×4.5x3cm, Dreaming plant, 11.5×6.5x2cm, Bending in the breeze, 12.5×5.5x2cm.


Dianne Longley, bronzes: Primordial grace, 9.5×5.5×2.5cm, Primordial metamorphosis, 9.5×5.5×1.5cm, Integrity of grace, 9×4.5×1.5cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: For you a gift, 9x6x2.5cm, Overture, 10.5x5x2cm, Singular flowering, 8.5x5x2.5cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Resilient agave, 11.5x5x1.5cm, Sentinal agave, 10.5×5.5×2.5cm, Towering agave, 11.5×5.5x2cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Classic cactus, 13.5x6x2.5cm, Friendly succulent, 12×4.5×1.5cm, Double cactus, 11.5x5x3cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Windswept, 9×6.5x2cm, Gift for you, 8.5x5x1.5cm, Winter winds, 9x4x1.5cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Double cypress, 9.5x5x2cm, Cactus solitude, 9×5.5×2.5cm, Cypress whispers, 9.5x5x1.5cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Agave monumental, 11.5×4.5×3.2cm, Gentle and open, 9x6x1.5cm, Resilience, 11x4x2cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Windswept cactus, 12×4.5x2cm, Prickly cactus, 11.5x6x2cm, Withstanding alone, 12.5×6.5x2cm.

Dianne Longley, bronzes: Golden leaves, 9.5×5.5×1.5cm, Ladder of dreams, 10x4x2.5cm, Leaves of fire, 6.5×4.5×1.5cm, Small dreams, 5x3x1.5cm.

Primordial metamorphosis
bronze, from cuttlefish
9.5 x 5.5 x 1.5 cm
$440 plus shipping,

Golden leaves
bronze, from cuttlefish
12 x 5 x 1.5 cm

Sentinal agave
bronze, from cuttlefish
10.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm
$440 plus shipping,

Gentle and open
bronze, from cuttlefish
9 x 6 x 1.5 cm
$380 plus shipping,

Windswept cactus
bronze, from cuttlefish
12.5 x 4.5 x 2 cm
$460 plus shipping,

bronze, from cuttlefish
11 x 4 x 2 cm
$440 plus shipping,

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